Going where many couples have gone before, my boyfriend Nick and I spent a stressful month apartment-hunting, only to settle on the infamous pink brownstone in Park Slope. What follows are our attempts to restore our second-floor apartment back to the glory it hasn't seen since the landlord took out the sink and let the paint peel.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Hunt For The Kitchen Cabinets

My friend Vince informs me that Nick and I should be demanding a rent decrease from the landlord due to all the TLC we're putting into this place, but I have a feeling that won't go over too well. As is, we've got a pretty cheap rent for the neighborhood. But sometimes I think about approaching Mr. Henry and asking if he could help out with the whole "one single kitchen cabinet" issue.

But likely I won't.

I've spent the past few days studying the websites of places such as Target, Ikea, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Overstock... and still have yet to find a kitchen cabinet I like. Who knew it was so hard?! But we need one. Or three. So I think in the end we'll just have to buy something from Target and make due.

I guess that's the quandary... do we buy something more sturdy/fancy, even though we might leave in a year, or do we just get something that will do? That's been my question all along. I've been good about staying in a sort of middle-ground area, but it's proving hard with kitchen cabinets.


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