Going where many couples have gone before, my boyfriend Nick and I spent a stressful month apartment-hunting, only to settle on the infamous pink brownstone in Park Slope. What follows are our attempts to restore our second-floor apartment back to the glory it hasn't seen since the landlord took out the sink and let the paint peel.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Notes on Living Together

So Nick and I have lived together for almost three weeks now (soooooooo long. sarcasm.) and I've already learned a lot of interesting tidbits.

1. Just because you live together doesn't mean you see each other all the time.
- This is especially true considering my job. As head of client services at the 5th Avenue Sound Lounge location, I work from eleven am to at least eight pm. Often I'm here closer to ten or eleven at night, depending on how late a session will go. Meanwhile, Nick has a more "regular" work schedule that requires him to be there by nine or ten and means he gets out at five or six. This, in turn, means he has around five hours alone at the house before I show up. By the time I'm home, I'm exhausted and wanting a shower, and he's mid-way through work/listening to an album/watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix Instant Watch. Often I'll retreat to the bedroom and he'll come join me. Last night he had me watch Sunshine, a sci-fi slasher flick I appreciated but didn't necessarily enjoy.

2. When you live together, you can't conveniently forget things
- For example, Nick noticed I have yet to read two of the books he gave me to read. He, bless him, has meanwhile read my beloved Then We Came To The End. I gave it to him about six months into dating. I don't think he liked it because he conveniently forgot to ever mention having completed the book.

3. Living together means getting out of more shit
My beautiful boyfriend won't go to my cousin's kid's baptism in Jersey. So I guess we give and take on what's important to us. And Nick hates God.

4. The bed is somehow smaller
According to Nick, my big ass keeps taking up room on his side of the bed. We never thought my double too small before... but now I'm seriously considering investing in a queen.

5. You see each others gross eating habits
Nick has discovered I love to eat like six sugar free popsicles in a sitting. And I always manage to spill popcorn kernels everywhere. I've discovered Nick drinks a beer before bed. That doesn't count as gross, though.

6. You learn how much you love each other.
I love that adorable boy.

1 comment:

  1. I love Dan 60% more now that I bought a queen size bed. It's only like five inches or something, but it really makes the difference between butts touching when you're both side sleepers facing away, and having the option of a butt-touching-free night.
